Tuesday, October 30, 2012

DOTA: Why Defense of the Ancients?

DOTA: Why Defense of the Ancients?


                   Defense of the Ancient is one of the most popular computer games nowadays. Playing this game gives a lot of fun and excitement whenever you fight hero to hero. In this game, mental knowledge and strategies are required in order for the team to won the game. But apart from it, when does this game began? What are the things that you would notice in this game?

                   Dota started on Reign of Chaos before the expansion, The Frozen Throne came out. It was based on the custom map "Aeon of Strife" from Starcraft, a team game focusing on hero combat. There have been many different versions of DotA, but only one shines, IceFrog's DotA Allstars http://www.gotfrag.com/dota/story/40388/ . It is a 5v5 game wherein two sides fight: the sentinel and the scourge. It has a map divided into three lanes where creeps spawn at a certain time. In every lane, there are three towers protecting the the base from opponents. The main goal of the game is to reach the base of the opposite force and destroys the heart which is the "world tree" for the sentinel and the "frozen throne" for the scourge. It also focuses on team play and hero killings which would earn you golds for items that you would be building in order for the heroes to enhance it damage, armor, magic, etc.. It also includes variety of modes like allrandom(ar), allpick(ap), single draft(sd), etc. On the other hand, what strategies can be used in this game?

 Complexity and Strategy
                      In this game, the team wins rather than the individuals. Teams always come up with innovative strategies and sometimes pull off amazing moves in matches that people have never
even thought was possible. This game has something that is not frequently seen in other
games;strategies and counter strategies with items. In dota, buying items that reduces AoE effects has a great help in order to lessen the damage intake of the hero. "Many teams have focused their strategies on mass AoE spell damage, picking heroes like Queen of Pain, Sand King and Zeus. The focus on spell damage has drifted since teams have found many ways to counter it; mekansm (healing), black king bar (magic immune), diffusal blade (purges spell buffs), hood of defiance (magic damage reduction) and blink daggers (teleportation). One thing that is noticeable in the DotA community is the popularity of new replays. Fans eagerly wait for the most recent Pride Tournament replay featuring their favorite team to see what hero lineups they used, what item builds they went and how they countered the enemy team".

          However, to those who don't follow the game wonders, it is just like killing and buying items that may suit the hero and sometimes they just look at it appearance rather than the skills that the hero has. There are factors that player should keep in mind in order to play well with these game. Teamwork; consistent warding of the map, successful ganks, proper execution in battle (not stacking stuns, all focusing the same target, protecting allies), correct item builds and supporting the carry hero. Individual; good micro, farming ability, communication and map awareness. These are all things that competitive players have to keep in mind and are not things that come easy, rather things that are mastered over time.

            Despite of these, DOTA is an exciting game which really helps the players to improve the mental ability in situations that the game has. However, players must see the essence of the game in order for them to play well and to be a great player.


Midterm Paper

                                                                     Chapter 1

      A.)   Background of the Study
Mathematics is really important in many fields. Numerous fields of studies as well as in sports or games need mathematical knowledge. Most of the games are inclined with many mathematical concepts and information like statistics. The use of statistical methods dates back at least to the 5th century BC. The earliest writing on statistics was found in a 9th century book entitled: "Manuscript on Deciphering Cryptographic Messages", written by Al-Kindi. In his book, he gave a detailed description of how to use statistics and frequency analysis to decipher encrypted messages, this was the birth of both statistics and cryptanalysis, according to the Saudi engineer Ibrahim Al-Kadi. Its mathematical foundations were laid in the 17th century with the development of probability theory by Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat. Probability theory arose from the study of games of chance. The method of least squares was first described by Carl Friedrich Gauss around 1794. The use of modern computers has expedited large-scale statistical computation, and has also made possible new methods that are impractical to perform manually(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistics).
There are many fields where statistics has its role specially on computer online games. Examples of these are DOTA, League of Legends, Cabal Online and many more were inclined to this field of mathematics. One example of applications of statistics to DOTA is the computation of attack speed, movement speed, effects of items, DPS, AOE, magic reduction, cooldown, special buffs, armor , magic resistances and damages, gold management, HP and mana regenerations passives skills and orb effects...etc. This field of mathematics is very important to DOTA players in playing the game. As well as in sports, mathematical knowledge are applied in order for the players and organizers will know the strategies and skills that they might use. DOTA is the main game that this research is about where these knowledge are applied.

Blizzard Entertainment released the third edition of the Warcraft 3 series; Reign of Chaos, in 2002. DotA started on Reign of Chaos before the expansion, The Frozen Throne came out. It was based on the custom map "Aeon of Strife" from Starcraft, a team game focusing on hero combat. It is a 5v5 game with two sides: the sentinel and the scourge.Dota offers a variety of game modes, allrandom, allpick, random draft, league mode, and many others. Competitive play started off with standard league mode; sentinel could only pick sentinel heroes and scourge could only pick scourge heroes.  
However, there are also difficulties in understanding these statistical details even though one has played this game many times. There are complicated computations that are included in order for players should do if they want to know the effects and causes of winning or losing the game. Hence, this game needs critical and mental thinking in order to understand statistical details that would be present in this study.
The main purpose of this study is the advantages that mathematical and statistical knowledge can provide to these DOTA players.

 B. Statement of the Problem

       This study aims to answer this questions:

1.       What advantages can mathematical knowledge and statistical applications provide DOTA players?

C. Significance of the Study

       DOTA Players. This research paper would help those DOTA players who are fun of playing the game. Players are benefited because they could use the information in making strategies and in improving expertness in playing.

         Youths. The youths are benefited because they would be able to know the purpose of the
mathematical and statistical information provided for them in order that learning this game would be easy. Youths can become mentally notify, cooperative and strategic when it comes to playing games.

         Game Planners. Knowledge in this study can help the game planners to create and upgrade the game information and to produce more specialized versions of the game.  They can also get the relevant details to be adapt in making the new productions and improve the qualities of the game.

        Future Researchers. This study would help them to understand and be inform of the knowledge present to the study that may help them find new information they can use in papers.

D. Scope and Limitations

            This study focuses on the advantages of mathematical and statistical knowledge provided to DOTA players. Games and sports are considered since mathematics has been widely used in these things due to lack of time, this study will only focus on some relevant information which can be adapted in genres of gaming such as online games, LAN games and many more as sources of information. This also gives focus on games as source of knowledge to be used in improvisation. Moreover, research believes that games are provided by this knowledge over the years. Therefore, this study would be important to continue the improvisation. Aside from this, the researchers also consider the numerous sources provided as one of the primary limitation for the study. This is due to the large number of resources regarding the application of mathematical knowledge in upgrading games.  

E. Materials and Methods

                 This research employs an informative method since the researcher aims to inform and discuss the advantages of mathematical knowledge from computer games. This method is more on the process of collecting, analyzing, organizing, classifying data and information and make such presentation and interpretation about such details. Bear on mind that this informative method suites and is appropriate for the study.

 Information relevant to the study was gathered from various references such as books, surveys and articles from online sources. In addition, interview to people who are inclined to the study and strengthen it more.

F. Definition of Terms

Statistics. The study of the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data.  It deals with all aspects of this, including the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiments.

Cryptanalysis.The procedures, processes, methods, etc., used to translateor interpret secret writings, as codes and ciphers,for which the key is unknown (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cryptanalysis).

Mathematics. The study of the measurement, properties, and relationships of quantities and sets, using numbers and symbols. A group of related sciences, including algebra, geometry, and calculus, concerned with the study of number, quantity, shape, and space and their interrelationships by using a specialized notation. Operations and processes involved in the solution of a problem or study of some scientific field (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/mathematics)

DOTA (Defense of the Ancient). A  multiplayer online battle arena mode for the video game  Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, based on the "Aeon of Strife" map for StarCraft.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mathematical Logical Learning Styles

Mathematical Logical Learning Styles - Mathematical Logical Learners


In learning things there are specific styles that you may use in order to really understand and gain something to it. It depends on how things goes and how it is done. It's like playing basketball, the team must have strategies and styles in order to win the game. In writing, one must use the appropriate style in making paper works. In arts, artists must use different styles in different works that they create in order that it would result as success. What is mathematical logical learning style?


Different learning styles includes verbal linguistic, mathematical logical, musical, visual spatial, bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal, naturistic and existential.Style really has a great role in everything that you're doing as for this articles entitled "Mathematical Logical Learning Styles" by . "Mathematical logical learning style is one of the eight types of learning style, or intillegences" as defined in Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences. The author Ann Logsdon defined it as a "styles that refers to a person's ability to reason, solve problems, and learn using numbers, abstract visual information, and analysis of cause and effect relationships. Learners who use this style is said to be methodical and logical thinker or in linear order. They may be good specially in mental problem solving and they are drawn to logic puzzles and games.This should be the style that we must use specially in mathematics in order to be good and improve in this subject.

People drawn to this style are said to be enjoying school activities such as math, computer science, technology, drafting, chemistry and other "hard sciences," and design.Having strong visual analysis, memory and problem solving skills are the characteristics of mathematical linguistic learners that prefer logical in instruction,often worked best structure, organized environments.However, natural thinkers and builders enjoy bringing their mathematical and conceptual ideas into reality through hands-on. These learners become very bright in their fields because they have chosen the style that suits them best.Learning to use some styles will make people learn what best and appropriate for them.

People learns best with the use of this mathematical logical learning style because they are thought using aids like visual materials, computers, statistical and analytical programs, and hands on projects. The learners finds that analyzing literature or keeping a journal are less appealing than statistical studies.They focus more on mathematics specially in reasoning and they prefer structured, goal-oriented activities.


In choosing career it is important to determine whether you use or adapt the preferred style in order to go for it. If you are mathematical logical style oriented, you can choose on many fields related to mathematics such as computer programming and design or electronic, mechanical, or chemical engineering. Even some science field careers because some sciences are involved in mathematics. Accountancy,drafting,architecture,finance and investment are said to be appealing also to mathematical logical learning style.

Even there are many learning styles you should be more intelligent enough to choose the right one in order to achieve what you want in life and the career you dream of.

Learning to Hate Mathematics

Learning to Hate Mathematics

Most of the students hate mathematics but I don't. I love it and I know that I'm good at it. However, I wonder if I can try to learn how to hate it. As far as I remember when I was in grade 1, I don't even like numbers I prefer more on reading story books and watching televisions. Sometimes I also wonder why mathematics became the subject hated most by the students. As I think of it I found an answer in my mind that mathematics was hated because it gives headache to them. Solving numerical problems, word problems, and complicated formulas/equations, no wonder because I've experienced already struggling with these and even though I'm good at it, that doesn't make sense because it really causes headache when you don't really understand.

People have their wants and hates but it's their choice and we have nothing to do with it. I've been thinking if I could learn to hate mathematics in some other way. How would that be? As for it, I searched for an article and I found one entitled "Learning to Hate Mathematics"  by Anne Miller. According to her, she didn't want to memorize the multiplication tables. She said that,"unlike learning how to read, studying math seemed to have no purpose other than to give me massive headaches and shattered nerves." I can say that its true but mathematics has its purpose because if there no mathematics numbers wouldn't exist in the minds of the learners. However it is her opinion and I won't correct her knowing that she really hate mathematics that much.

Mathematics really gives headache to everyone but if you understand it you'll enjoy dealing with it. Some students really have terrible fears and hatred to mathematics because it always give them pain and disruption of mind. Imagine memorizing the multiplication tables some would surely prefer to memorize the alphabet because it is more easier than the multiplication tables that makes your life very hard. 

In these article, the author mentioned way in order to escape math problems specially when you are in a competition. It's simple she said,"just deliberately give the wrong answer then you're done and eliminated" so you wouldn't have to suffer more dealing with mare difficult problems in the competition. In school, skipping to do homework surely means you have difficulties in it but if you're proven to do it, teachers will surely make you to stay and solve/answer out some mathematical problems and it's worse so just prepare or just copy from your classmate just to have one. When you are dealing with geometry and trigonometry as well as algebra, you just answer the question even if it is wrong just to make sure that you wouldn't get punished to have more problems to solve because of skipping homework.

However, even you hate mathematics, sometimes you'll just notice that you enjoy doing crazy things and you become somewhat interested in some books or articles about the facts specially when it is about hating mathematics. Mathematics is a painful subject to most of us but remember to not hate it because the usefulness of it will surely help you in your life. 

"Enjoy learning about math on your own terms.at your own pace then it would be easier."


Reference: http://grammar.about.com/od/essayassignments/a/learningmathreasonscomp.htm

Friday, October 12, 2012

Mathematical Difficulties

Difficulties encountered in Mathematics

In my experience in schooling, one of the main subjects that students have their hard time dealing with is mathematics and I wonder why. Maybe because they don't want computing number and most specially memorizing formulas,concepts and principles. Mathematics is the subject that I like because I learned many things and maybe I've got this knowledge on numbers through my father I think. Sometimes, I found difficulties too in dealing with it specially if I don't really understand the lessons delivered by the teachers. As a matter of fact, mathematics is very interesting to deal with but questions were formulated in my mind.

Why do students find mathematics as a difficult subject? What are the things that makes it hard for them? What are the problems and struggles that frequently encountered by the students? Who's fault is it? Did students do their best or they just listen and after that the knowledge learned was gone? All these questions come up into my mind when I see some students struggling and hating this subjects. But I think its their choice if they don't want to learn then fine however, they have nothing to do with it because its a part of the curriculum in our studies.

Dealing with mathematics is really hard for us because it is more difficult compared to some subjects. These mathematical difficulties are just challenges for us in order to measure our ability in dealing with numbers and in order to know what should be done to overcome it. As I research I found out some mathematical difficulties encountered by students. I have read this article in relation to these difficulties in mathematics in this site http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/misunderstoodminds/mathdiffs.html. In this article, difficulties with mathematics were stated and these are:

  • What Can Stand in the Way of a Student's Mathematical Development?
  • Incomplete Mastery of Number Facts
  • Computational Weakness
  • Difficulty Transferring Knowledge
  • Making Connections
  • Incomplete Understanding of the Language of Math
  • Difficulty Comprehending the Visual and Spatial Aspects and Perceptual Difficulties.

These things were really encountered by the students in mathematics. Specially in computations, most of the students don't want to figure out how an equation was being solved because they become lazy and they just asks the answers to their classmate who gives effort in order to answer or solve the equation prior to the problem. Students also are confused on the correct sign to be used on their final answers and it is one of the errors that students do not easily notice. Students also relies to calculators and they don't use manual methods in computation that's why when they were asked to compute without using calculators,they do not know the procedures and that's common to many. Another problem is that, students are not used on reading books because they prefer more on playing computer games and they don't listen to what the teacher is discussing.

Students also encountered conceptual difficulties with measurements,computation symbols and volume because some of the formulas related to these are complicated. Students with disabilities have difficulties also in the development of their skills in mathematics.Many students with learning disabilities have reading difficulties that interfere with their ability to solve word problems. The fear of failure and low self-esteem cause students to become so tense that their ability to solve problems and to learn or apply math concepts is impaired. Confused thinking, disorganization, avoidance behavior and math phobia are common results. Math symbols become very important in math achievement because it represents a way to express numerical language concepts, language skills.

Despite of these, teachers finds it difficult to deal with students because many were not interested in this subject. This difficulties are encountered by most students and I could say that this is their fault because if they only focus more understanding this subject, it could be more easy for them to get rid of it and I'm sure that they could have enjoyed it. The reason for these is that students are distracted of the things like new gadgets, internet,games,and most specially relationships because these things influenced students so they don't focus more on studying instead they are addicted to these things.

In order to overcome these difficulties, students must focus more on their studies specially in mathematics because it is very essential in our workplace. Having difficulties to this subjects is just normal because these are only challenges to us in order to understand more the world of numbers. We must gain more knowledge and we should get rid of these difficulties in order that our life would simple yet easy. "In every problems, there are solutions but remember to choose what is the best."    

Reference are articles used and opinions of my own.. This site is the one that I've used for some important points.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Skeleton outline

1. Narrow down topic
    MATHEMATICS: Must be hated or understood?

 > The causes and prevention of math anxiety.
 > How to reduce math test anxiety.
 > What are the difficulties/struggles encountered by students and teachers in dealing with mathematics?
 > What are the causes and effects why students have their hard time and difficulties with regards to mathematics?
 > What are the solutions which can be made in order to understand and overcome mathematical difficulties?

2. Make a tentative outline

  I. Definition and importance of mathematics
 II. Difficulties/struggles encountered by;
            A. Students
                       1. Understanding concepts and principles
                       2. Solving mathematical equations and word problems
                       3. Adapting to normal practice
            B. Teachers
                       1. Using the kind of teaching methods and strategies
                       2. Delivering and explaining lessons
 III. Causes and effects of mathematical difficulties to students
 IV. Solutions that can be done in order to understand and overcome mathematical difficulties

3. Informal -> formal

              If there is this math anxiety, I'm sure that there are methods on how to reduce it. At my early age, I find mathematics a hard subject because when I was a kid I really don't want to memorize and deal with numbers. It is just like brain-breaking thing that makes students embarrassed and anxious everyday they meet it. 

             There are many methods on reducing math anxiety. Memorizing and dealing with numbers makes mathematics a hard subject in my childhood days. Embarrassment and anxiousness were encountered by students in this brain-breaking subject.

4. Statement of problem
  > What are the solutions in order to understand and overcome mathematical difficulties?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

How to Reduce Math Test Anxiety

How to Reduce Math Test Anxiety 

If there is this math anxiety, I'm sure that there are methods on how to reduce it. At my early age, I find mathematics a hard subject because when I was a kid I really don't want to memorize and deal with numbers. It is just like brain-breaking thing that makes students embarrassed and anxious everyday they meet it. 

It is just like having an experiments on something, mixing chemicals and baking cakes that follows certain formulas and right measure of the amounts needed to finished it. Mathematics also follows on many formulas that may cause anxiety to each and everyone of us. The question is that what would we follow in order to reduce math test anxiety if in an instance we struggles about exams and don't review on it before it happens? Is it true that we only know how to take and gather the anxiety of math exams or we had also the power to reduce it? What makes math tests become a way where we become anxious and embarrass? 

I would say that lack of review makes the math test anxious to students because they don't want to focus more on numbers because it is too boring and brain-breaking. In my opinion we can also reduce this anxiety if we wanted to.

In order to gather information, I research on this matter that is true and is happening today to mast of the students.

According to the author Ryan Rivera, "there a fact specially when taking math test, because of the added pressure of knowing that the test itself is gauging ti know if there are learning that happens to every students."

Based on this article that I found in mathgoodies, the pressure can cause a lot of anxiety and it is common to for the child and students to feel these effects, including:

  •   Cloudy Mind – Anxiety has a tendency to reduce focus and clarity. This can be troublesome when the child is trying to figure out complex math problems, and that can lead to more anxiety. 
  • Physical Stress – Math anxiety during a test can also cause physical discomfort. Children that are attempting to sit and focus on solving a problem often find this discomfort to be overwhelming, and may prevent them from putting all of their efforts on the test. 
  • Time Perception – Scientists are mixed on whether or not anxiety alters the perception of time. But subjectively, many people report that time can feel like it's passing too slowly or too quickly, and both can affect the student's ability to complete the test. 
  • Self-Doubt – You need confidence to solve math problems. Doubt yourself, and it becomes much harder to find the right answer, because you'll worry that another answer is out there. Anxiety is often a fuel for self doubt.

  • Math test anxiety also causes students to have sweating, nervous behavior, and ticks. These makes it harder and harder to succeed in math test.

    In my opinion, these factors really happens I must say because honestly I have experienced these when I was in grade school even in high school. I would say that these things can be conquer but not so easily because we will have to put most of our effort to understand and not to hate the subjects that makes our lives very hard. 

    The best way to reduce math test anxiety is studying well because the more we practice to solve some problems, the more it become so easy and intimidating as time passed. It also help us to develop the skills that we need and we might used it when there are math tests that would come.

    Teachers and parents can also help and implement the students to reduce math test anxiety even more based on the article and it includes;

    • Create a Personal Test Taking Strategy 
    • Teach a Personal Relaxation Technique
    • Make Extra Credit Available
    These are very effective because students know what they must do in order to reduce math test anxiety. They will also give extra effort on this matter and they could learn more about it. The students will also know what they lack about solving some problems and answering the test. The parents and teachers will also know if they have taught enough or their students needs more learning about math test and questions.

    Teaching students to succeed on math test would require a lot of time and effort. There's only one thing teachers, students, and parents do not admit that there lots of test taking anxiety because students haven't been prepare thoroughly as possible as they can.

    As conclusion to these, it is impossible to students to conquer this kind of anxiety because whenever there are questions which they don't really understand they feel anxiousness to answer it. Students should be already prepare in order that they can easily answer the questions and they would reduce stress and the anxiety that it brought to us. People will never ever take away this anxiety and that is for sure.

    Follow up questions:
    1. Why do students get hard time or have difficulties on mathematics?
    2. What is the relevance of mathematics to the workplace?
    3. How is it introduced to the public and influenced their lives?

     Based on internet articles, research, and opinions are the references that I use or may use in this blog including this site http://www.mathgoodies.com/articles/how-to-reduce-math-test-anxiety.html.


    Is it really hard to deal with mathematics? Well, as far as know, there are people specially students who find mathematics really hard and made them anxious and depressed? Why do students hate this subject? What it math anxiety?

    Mathematics is one of the subjects that I like. Based on my experiences dealing with it, I find it so interesting and very convenient. I experienced having a hard time solving mathematical problems and equations that made my head aches because I find that difficult to be solved. Mathematics causes anxiety to people who find it as a difficult subject but in my case I could say that even people are good in this subject, they also became anxious every time they had a hard time. For me I find mathematics as an important subject even though it may even break my mind solving and memorizing some formulas. If people really wants to understand it, I know that they will find it useful in their everyday life.

    I think it is relevant to say to say that we must put our efforts on anything in order to have a great time. 

    I found an article in this site mathgoodies which may help us to know if we have gone experience these as we challenge ourselves into mathematics.

    According to Sheila Tobias: "math anxiety as feelings of tension and anxiety that interfere with the manipulation of numbers and the solving of mathematical problems in a wide variety of ordinary life and academic situations." Having this kind of anxiety may lead to the hates and dislikes of people against mathematics. Research also confirms that risk of embarrassment and time pressured tests have been recognized as sources of unproductive tension among the students. For me I think, we can not avoid these because this tests our abilities, patience and understanding the topic. 

    The author of this article Marilyn Curtain-Phillips mentioned three practices which are parts of the traditional mathematics classroom and cause anxiety to students are imposed: "authority, public exposure, and time deadlines." Therefore relative to these I think, there will be a need to improve teaching strategies or methods of teacher in order to lessen this math anxiety thing. One way also to prevent it is that teachers should give more consultations and concrete examples on topics related to Mathematics in order to reduce anxiety among the students inside their classrooms.

    Spikell said that,"studies have shown students learn best when they are active rather than to those who are passive learners I think its because active students learn to practically try to solved certain problems and they will know if they have mistakes and in order that it would be corrected." 

    The articles also stated the theory of multiple intelligence addresses the different learning styles. It says that lessons should be presented in variety of ways such as presenting it in visual/spatial, logical/mathematics, musical, body/kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal and verbal/linguistic. These are very relevant in order tat students should not find hard time studying some lesson or memorizing things and they can also see and ask question if they don't understand some parts of the teaching materials.

    Even though students have negative experiences on math class, they must continue to understand these concepts because I think people can live in a corporate world without it. Because math is really associated with pain and frustration but math must be looked upon its positive image or light in order that anxiety will be reduced among students and learners. A person's state of mind has great influence on his/her success and with all this tension, math rumor is greatly needed in the workplace as what the author said.

    In conclusion, math anxiety is very real and is occurring among thousands of people all over the world. Too much of it happens everyday in classrooms because of the lack of consideration of the different learning styles of the students as well as the different teaching methods by the teachers. Students must look at it as a challenging subjects in order to success and conquer the anxiety caused by mathematics. If you really understand mathematics, you will have a great time enjoying things and learn as much learning you can get but remember that anxiety is always there for you if you find it hard dealing with the rounding numbers. The success of the students is on the hands of the teachers and the work of each students to mathematics.